пятница, 10 января 2020 г.


The book is becoming more relevant as the UPSC pattern is fluctuating day by day, but read this book only if you have time , otherwise rajiv ahir is impeccable. Shruti Bhardwaj shrutibhardwaj ymail. Certified Buyer , Chennai. The book is of a higher level than required for GS Mains. The book is unique in its approach towards presenting the problems of Indians under the British rule. It gives slightly difference view than bipin chandra book. Certified Buyer , Patna. sekhar bandyopadhyay from plassey to partition

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The book received is of revised edition and reprinted in Therefore a lot of tim Mar 02, Kumar Gaurav rated it it was amazing. Bipan chandra vs sekhar bandopadhyay: Book for civil service aspirants Shekhar Bandyopadhyay is effectively able to combine information and viewpoints from various sources and authors, analyzing and combining them to form unique perspectives of his own.

It's a text book best for civil service or state psc. I started reading this book around 2 days ago and found out this book does not serve my purpose.

sekhar bandyopadhyay from plassey to partition

Naveen gairola Certified BuyerFaridabad Apr, This will help the reader mentally categorize the various crisscrossing strands and combine them to harvest an accessible account of this complex period. Certified BuyerPatna. Each of the major events has been analysed well. A History Of Modern India presents the entire history of the British dominion over India through the various struggles and rebellions of the Indians, the rise of Indian leaders and politics, the Partition that led to the creation of Pakistan and finally, Independent India.

Certified BuyerChennai.

sekhar bandyopadhyay from plassey to partition

But a good book indeed for civils preparation and general history book of modern india. Skhar About From Plassey to P Dipayan Bosu Certified BuyerBaruipur 6 months ago.

From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay

Jun 10, Prashant Tripathi rated it really liked it. How do Pakistanis look at partition of the country and independence? Nonetheless I recommend this book for graduate level history studies as it gives students the right level of understandi It's not an easy book to read but definitely compulsory to have a more scholarly ho of history of modern India. Even the usually neglected aspects of history such as pre struggles against British Raj, the role of non-majoritarian groups such as women, untouchables, and role of communism in struggle for independence have been widely covered to great depths.

Bandyopadbyay guys if you are not appearing for any competitive exam even then go for this book What is the publication date? At least we should. The section about the Rise of regional powers during the decline of the Mughal empire and the Ghandhi ji's journey through the independence movement carries a lot insight and depth.

More than a survey, and much more than a thematically arranged narrative, this book is an eminently readable account of the emergence of India as a nation.

The book is excellent. Sekhar Bandopadhyay has carefully analyzed various perspectives and given an objective understanding.

From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India

The entire account has been presented in a unique way by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, who has provided the readers with different perspectives and sides to the entire struggle for Indian freedom. Rather, Bandyopadhyay recognizes that freedom meant different things for different socio-economic groups and furnishes a well-researched summary of various historiographical strands. Want to Read Currently Plwssey Read.

It will certainly add the dimension to thinking and help in understanding the contemporary India. Disliked the last chapter dealing with India's history after independence. Sep 30, Shubham Bansal rated it it was amazing. sfkhar

The analysis in the book which people are drooling over is so intellectual that it is wholly unnecessary for atleast GS!

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