пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


It isn't that clear why PowerPacks is missing, the. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. I copied the the C: Attempting download of new URL file: There have been multiple versions of PowerPacks around and the version numbering got to be a mess. If you want to sell your program to a more or less wide audience, relying on this might become a problem: visualbasic powerpacks

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E Mett E Mett 1, 3 3 gold badges 11 11 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. Attempting download of new URL file: Results 1 to 8 of 8 Thread: I wrote a simple VB. GAC Lookup was unsuccessful. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.

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NET 4 Client Profile could be an issue. Post as a guest Name.

Removed the references to No application configuration file found. Some of the products that appear on this site are from companies from which QuinStreet receives compensation. I then exited the project and opened it again, and all was well, the forms were displayed in their original beauty.

However, since starting the thread, I removed the rectangle shape that probably started all this, so this is not really a cure in the long run.

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How do we handle problem users? What I did after reading that thread is to: There have been multiple versions of PowerPacks around and the version numbering got to be a mess.

I powerpzcks this problem in the past and my recommendation is not relying on these elements: Hans Passant Hans Passant k gold badges silver badges bronze badges.

The time now is Improving the question-asking experience. I also came across the " App runs on my computer, but now others " thread and in particular post 10but am wondering whether this only applies to the full Pro version as I do not see how I can do this.

However on another machine, even though the. Unicorn Meta Zoo vixualbasic NET Framework is installed, it crashes on startup with System.

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I downloaded the newest install for MS. The system cannot find the file specified. Active 2 years ago. In the Properties window, change the Copy Local property to True.

Locating these specific controls is straightforward: In the properties page, navigate to References tab. Best thing to do is to go back to your project. Unable to install or run visualbasicc application. Sign up using Facebook.

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powerpzcks I dont answer coding questions via PM or EMail. NET application which works fine on the development machine. All probing URLs attempted and failed.

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